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World Heritage Koyasan

World Heritage Koyasan

In 2004, Koyasan was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the name “Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range”. The history and tradition has been accumulated for 1,200 years since Kobo Daishi opened the Shingon esoteric buddhism temple in 816.

Koyasan has many cultural assets and historical sites, and has collected many people's faith.

However, the most attractive attraction of Koyasan is the spirituality nurtured by history and tradition. The serenity and comfort that can be felt everywhere on Mt. Takanoyama has been attracting people's hearts for as long as 1,200 years.

You can also feel "invisible energy" from a little snowman that someone has created. Please listen to the snowman who is likely to talk to you now. It may tell you something that is most important to you.


Danjo Garan

1,200 years ago, Kobo Daishi decided to open the world's first formal Esoteric Buddhism temple. It is Danjo Garan that was completed based on the magnificent plan. A row of towers and halls makes us feel the doctrine of dynamic Esoteric Buddhism based on the energy of the large universe. At the same time, delicate spirituality, which can not be expressed in words, sinks into the hearts of worshipers.
When I sit on Miedo wrapped in a deep mist in early spring, I feel that the breath of Kobo Daishi, who stood at this place 1.200 years ago, can be felt.

Sunset from the Daimon

The sunset seen from Daimon, which is the main gate of Koyasan, is a spectacular view.
Since Kobo Daishi, countless people will have sighed watching the sunset here. The memories recalled by the sunset from Daimon are all filled with kindness and gratitude like the dining table of the family.
The sunset view of Daimon is also selected as "One of Japan's 100 Best Sunsets."



The sound of the bell matches well in Koyasan.
Daito-no-Kane of Danjo Garan has been known as Koya-Shiro.
This bell is the "time bell" that has been known to the people of Koyasan for over 1,000 years.
Daito-no-Kane still announces the time strictly at 4 am, 1 pm, 6 pm, 9 pm and 11 pm.
When the sound of the bell echoes the whole body, a mysterious sense of relief spreads in the heart.

Worshipping Monks on Danjo-Garan

 It is said that Koyasan still has 1,000 monks.
Dressed in incense amber and worshipping Danjo-Garan with enthusiasm, it is one of the representative landscapes of the central temple of Esoteric Buddhism.
We can not know the enthusiasm that the monks who keep on hard training kept in their hearts. From the maze of monks, you can feel the kind of conviction rooted in deep faith.

Snowy scenery of Danjo Garan

When snow is piled up on Danjo Garan, you will be surrounded by a strange serenity. When I walk in a quiet silence, I feel as if it is protected in a dome-like space with a snow scene.
I feel that even harsh coldness gently blew my cheeks. The invisible power is wrapping me up.
Extremely cold Koyasan. It is an extravagant moment that can be felt only in the season when there are no people passing by. This is the reason why many people living in Koyasan like the hard winter months rather than the cool summer days.

​Attraction of Koyasan

What is the attraction of Koyasan?
The Eternal Nature? Towers and temples from ancient times? Cultural assets such as Buddha statues that have collected people's faith? Tasteful traditional shojin dishes? The attraction people have is different.
However, common to all of Koyasan's allure is a pleasant sense of calm, kindness and softness.
The invisible power is working to make everyone feel comfortable. Kobo Daishi described Koyasan as "Hosshin-no-Sato". Hosshin is the power of the Dainichi-Nyorai, the cosmic Budda, and it means the energy body of the large universe.
I hope you will come to Koyasan and touch on their spirituality. If you do so, you may feel that your mind is fresh and moist.

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